The Mediamix Story
Erich Bärtschi founds Mediamix SA in Lausanne, the first media agency in Switzerland to be exclusively active on an international level.

Martin Gentsch joins Mediamix, becoming a partner three years later.
While many Swiss agencies are experiencing a mass exodus of media budgets to Great Britain, Erich Bärtschi and John Farrar found the Farrar Media agency in London. Thanks to their recognised expertise, Mediamix and Farrar Media quickly win over British and international agencies and advertisers. Customer service is provided locally, while media buying is centralised in Switzerland.

Moving house
Mediamix moves to the heights of Lausanne, then to Belmont-sur-Lausanne, where its headquarters are still located today.
Henri Tripet joins Mediamix and is appointed a partner three years later. Under his impetus, the agency purchases a high-performance IT system and becomes the first company in Western Lausanne to connect to the Internet via cable.

A record year for many agencies, Mediamix is working at full speed. Far from resting on its laurels, the agency focuses on new business and renews 75% of its clientele in just two years, enabling it to overcome the crisis linked to the sad events of 2001.
Mediamix has 12 employees. By mutual agreement, the three partners decide to stick to this workforce size and to focus on a niche strategy directly linked to customer service. Managing this lack of growth proves to be sometimes delicate when it comes to refusing new mandates.
Private banking and luxury brands, who have long been reluctant to digital advertising, are increasingly investing online. Mediamix accompanies this digital shift, while maintaining a high level of brand protection. This qualitative and selective online and offline approach differentiates Mediamix from pure digital players or larger networks mainly managing consumer budgets.
Mediamix celebrates its 35th anniversary, more determined than ever to offer its clients an unparalleled combination of experience and innovation.
Laetitia Foeller joins Mediamix as Head of Digital and member of the management. She highly contributes to the implementation of the structure, processes and partnerships that allow the agency to position itself today as a major player in the panorama of international online media agencies.

Mediamix celebrates its 40th anniversary Martin Gentsch retires.

Laetitia and Marie-Jeanne become Managing Partners of Mediamix. Cosatic joins the Mediamix team in Belmont-sur-Lausanne to strengthen the trading desk. Mediamix wins Best of Advertising Award in the Media Strategy 360° Campaign category.


“ln general, I think that the ideal relationship with an agency is a win-win partnership. The agency makes us progress, but it is also our role, as a client, to regularly propose new challenges in order to grow together.
There is no hierarchical relationship between us: the agency is an extension of our team, we share our successes as well as our questionings.”
Sonia Milici, Swissquote - Brand Marketing Manager There is no hierarchical relationship between us: the agency is an extension of our team, we share our successes as well as our questionings.”

"Our company has been working with Mediamix for many years now and I can honestly say that it's been a real success story. They offer us advice and recommendations covering the whole range of media options and markets. Our Mediamix super team is highly experienced, that's to your benefit and the benefit of our clients too. Cost efficiency and advertising effectiveness are always major
Irina Pfeiffer, Media Plan Deustschland - Media Consultant 
“Mediamix has been our international media agency for many years. The agency's expertise in the field of financial media has benefited us enormously and clearly helped us to reach a new level in terms of notoriety and consideration in the industry.
As far as campaigns are concerned, we talk to Mediamix beforehand and present the brief: the budget, the audience and our target markets, the campaign message, the objectives and sometimes a small "wish list" of our preferred media. Then, Mediamix makes us a media plan proposal and recommendations. They regularly suggest new innovative placements that we have never tested before. We never forget our positioning summarised by the signature "Challenge the code": we must act as pioneers and test opportunities in terms of marketing, communication channels or placements. We are also pleased to benefit from Mediamix' negotiation skills to obtain a very elaborate media plan, always within our budget limits. Finally, we appreciate the quality of the operational follow-up, with an ultra-reactive agency that is always able to deliver on time.”
Jimmy Morilla, Swissquote - Brand Manager As far as campaigns are concerned, we talk to Mediamix beforehand and present the brief: the budget, the audience and our target markets, the campaign message, the objectives and sometimes a small "wish list" of our preferred media. Then, Mediamix makes us a media plan proposal and recommendations. They regularly suggest new innovative placements that we have never tested before. We never forget our positioning summarised by the signature "Challenge the code": we must act as pioneers and test opportunities in terms of marketing, communication channels or placements. We are also pleased to benefit from Mediamix' negotiation skills to obtain a very elaborate media plan, always within our budget limits. Finally, we appreciate the quality of the operational follow-up, with an ultra-reactive agency that is always able to deliver on time.”

"As a client for many years, Mediamix SA has always provided us with first class service, not only in
terms of the commercial trinity "quality-quantity-price" ratio, but also in terms of sound media advice to achieve our objectives in various European markets. Mediamix SA is a highly professional human-scale company. ln a word: a true "boutique media agency" always acting in their clients' best interest and specialised in "tailor-made" solutions."
David Escher, Dr. oec. Switzerland Cheese Marketing Sa - Berne 
"Working with Mediamix is a true pleasure. The agency delivers a service level that is difficult to find in the industry nowadays. I particularly appreciate their in-depth knowledge of the international financial media industry, their proactivity and their neutral advice guided by the defense of our best interests "
Jan De Schepper, Head Marketing Swissquote - Gland 
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